Healing and Guilt

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer

Guilt is an emotion. Of course it serves an initial purpose of learning, but prolonged guilt is negative. It does not serve myself or others. In fact, it holds me back from personal growth and prevents me from living in the moment.

The past is the past. It cannot be changed. Everyone makes mistakes. In the future, there is nothing you can do about mistakes in the past.

Did I do some terrible things? Yes. Was it my fault? Yes. Does that mean I’m a bad person who is not deserving of self love and acceptance? No.

I need to change the way I look at the past. Now, I say, “I was a horrible person. I ruined Tom’s life and he was so good to me.” Instead, I should think, “We had a good 12 years together with a lot of joy. We met young and changed as we grew. The mistakes I made were necessary to discover the truth and to stop the path I was on. We both deserved a better love and that was made possible only through the mistakes I made.”

I’ve explained myself. I’ve apologized. There is nothing left to do but change my perspective on the situation. I forgive myself. I love myself. I know that I’m a good person who strives to be the best I can be.

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer


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